The Making of Disney Pride in Concert with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus

$15 members
$25 adults | $15 seniors and students (with ID) | $10 youths
FREE for children ages 5 and under, Registration Required
New date and time
Tue, Jun 27 | 5:30pm

Please note: This program is being postponed to Tuesday, June 27 at 5:30pm. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you purchased tickets to this program and are unable to make the rescheduled date, please email for a refund.

Join us for a panel discussion about the development of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus’ Disney Pride in Concert with Artistic Director & Conductor Jacob Stensberg, Associate Director of Music Education & Outreach Mitch Galli, Principal Accompanist & Music Supervisor Nicolas Perez, and Storyteller Mark Alfaro. The discussion will be followed by an exclusive vocal performance by soloist and Chorus member Tye Roman.

On-Sale Information

Tickets for The Making of Disney Pride in Concert with the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus will be available as follows:

  • All member levels: Purchase tickets online beginning Thursday, June 1 at noon PST via the Member Portal.
  • Public (non-members): Purchase tickets online beginning Friday, June 2 at noon PST.

About the Speakers

Jacob Stensberg

Jacob Stensberg (he/him) is thrilled to continue his inaugural season as the Conductor & Artistic Director of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) and The Chan National Queer Arts Center. Prior to his appointment with SFGMC, he was the Assistant Director for Purdue Musical Organizations at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

While at Purdue, Stensberg worked with 300+ students in eight different ensembles, performing in annual traditions like the Purdue Christmas Show and writing and performing custom music for special events like NASA’s 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing in 2019. In addition to his work at Purdue, Stensberg enjoyed working with Butler University (Indianapolis) choirs and orchestras, the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir, the Circle City Chamber Choir, the Booth Tarkington Civic Theater, Zach&Zack Productions, BOBDIREX, the Eclectic Pond Theatre Company, and the Civic Theater of Lafayette. 

Stensberg received his formal and formative training from Dr. Kristina Boerger at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in Education. He earned his Master of Music degree in Conducting from Butler University where he studied with Dr. Eric Stark.

Mitch Galli

Mitch Galli (he/him) is a conductor, arranger, lyricist, educator, singer, and pianist. Originally from Williamstown, MA, Galli holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from St. Lawrence University and a Masters in Urban Education, Administration and Policy from Loyola Marymount University. He moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2012 as a corps member with Teach for America. Galli taught high school mathematics and music for four years in Oakland, CA, and middle school music in San Francisco for one year. Galli joined SFGMC in January 2015. He founded HomoPhonics, the Chorus’ a cappella ensemble in August 2015, which he still music directs. Galli is also director of the Chorus’ educational outreach program, RHYTHM: Reaching Youth Through Music, which was established in February 2018. He has conducted SFGMC in performances across the country.

Nicolas Perez

Nicolas Perez (he/him) is a Bay Area music director, accompanist, arranger, and composer. He began his professional career while completing his Bachelor's Degree in Music at Saint Mary's College of California. Perez joined SFGMC in May 2021 and has written arrangements and orchestrations for the organization in addition to his work behind the piano. He is the regular Tuesday night accompanist at Martuni's, San Francisco's historic piano bar.

Mark Alfaro

Born and raised in the Bay Area, Mark Alfaro (he/him) is excited to return to San Francisco and SFGMC. Alfaro spent the last ten years working at UC Irvine in Student Housing, minutes away from Disneyland Resort. Since childhood, Alfaro has been a lover of Disney movie soundtracks—performing songs from Disney movies at family Christmas parties—so it was perfect timing for him to return to SFGMC after a decade away. Including SFGMC, Alfaro has sung in several Gala Choruses, including Hartford's Gay Men's Chorus, Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, and MenAlive: Gay Men's Chorus of Orange County.

Tye Roman

Tye Roman (any pronouns) has been with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus for three years. He has performed in choirs since the fifth grade.

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